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Structure Vegetative Cycle Rootstocks
140 Riggeri (140 Ru)
Origin Berlandieri Résséguier n.º 2 x Rupestris du Lot
Young Branch End Semi-open, low density of prostrate and erect hairs. Medium, generalised anthocyanin pigmentation.
Young leaf Green with golden reflexes. Glabrous lower page of the fourth expanded leaf. Low anthocyanin pigmentation of the first 6 leaves.
Shoot Red nodes and internodes with low density of prostrate hairs. Low anthocyanin pigmentation of the buds.
Tendrils Short. Discontinuous regular distribution with 02 formula.
Flower Male.
Adult leaf Reniform, small and whole. Dark green with anthocyanin pigmentation in the main ribs, next to the petiolar stump. Lip blade, low blistering and generalised undulation. Short, wide and convex teeth. Wide U-shaped petiolar sinus. Glabrous lower page between the ribs, with low density of erect hairs on the main ribs. Upper page with erect hairs on the main ribs. Low density of erect hairs on the petiole.
Round, striated, dark brown.
Characteristics 140 Ru is a very vigorous rootstock. Therefore, it is not advisable to use it in very fertile soils or in grape varieties sensitive to blossom drop. The response to rooting is low, but local grafting shows good results. The rootstocks’ resistance to active limestone is of 17 to 20%. 140 Ru often has galls on its leaves, due to the gall form of phylloxera. It has good resistance to drought and adapts well to dry and limestone soils. On the other hand, its use is contraindicated in very moist soils.